Statement of purpose for this site

This site currently consists of:

  • a list of privacy-related conference announcements, Table 1, and
  • a presentation in German on digital standards and international institutions setting standards for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), related to a work in progress, Table 2

Table 1



Date (newest on top) Privacy-related event Venue
2024 Oct 17-18 Jahreskonferenz 2024: Freiheit in digitalen Infrastrukturen Berlin
2024 Oct 28-Nov 01 Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) Jersey, Channel Islands
2024 Oct 08-11 Freedom Not Fear Brussels
2024 Oct 01 Tech and Society By invitation only; follow developments on EDRi mailing list Brussels
2024 Sep 19 Soziale Medien und Datenschutz – wie geht das zusammen?, in German, featuring presentations on the Fediverse Online
2024 Jun 06-07 PublicSpaces Conference 2024 Amsterdam
2024 May 22-24 CPDP 2024 Brussels
2023 Dec 27 CCC highlight: Please Identify Yourself! Digital Identity Systems in the EU & around the world Thomas Lohninger and Udbhav Tiwari. Hamburg
Submit applications by 2023 Oct 02 StandICT Supporting European Experts Presence in International Standardisation Activities in ICT
2024 Jan 24 Privacy Camp (proposals) Brussels
2023 Sep 21-22 Beyond Data Protection Conference: Regulating Information and Protection against Risks of the Digital Society Utrecht
2023 Sep 01-04 Freedom Not Fear Brussels
2023 Jun 19-23 Summer Academy For Global Privacy Law 2023
From Data Access to Data Transformations: How to Govern Data in the Age of Analytics and AI
2023 May 31-June 01 MyData Helsinki
2023 May 24-26 CPDP2023 – Ideas That Drive Our Digital World Brussels
2023 Jan 26 Privacy Camp Brussels and online
2022 Sept 02–05 Freedom not Fear 2022 Brussels
2022 July 22-26 May Contain Hackers 2022 The Netherlands
2022 Jun 22-24 Annual Privacy Forum of regulators Warsaw
2022 Jun 21 IPEN Workshop Warsaw
2022 Jun 21 MyData 2022 — Catalysing Fair Data Solutions Helsinki
2022 Jun 16-17 The Future of Data Protection: Effective Enforcement in the Digital World, EDPS Brussels
2022 Jun 04 Tübinger Tag der digitalen Freiheit Tuebingen
2022 Jun 01-03 Surveillance Studies Rotterdam
2022 Jan 28 International Data Protection Day and the Data Protection Law Scholars Network conference online
2022 Jan 23-25 Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) Brussels
2022 Jan 25 Privacy Camp Brussels
2021 Nov 21 Freedom Not Fear online only
2021 Jun 07-11 Rightscon online
2021 Jan 27-29 Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) Brussels
2021 Jan 26 Privacy Camp online
2020 Nov 06-09 Freedom Not Fear online
2020 Nov 02-06 Internet Governance Forum with improved Website Katowice, Poland
2020 Oct 24 75th anniversary of the United Nations New York
2020 Oct 18-21 United Nations World Data Forum on Sustainable Development Data (UN World Data Forum) Bern, Switzerland
2020 Sep 20-23 IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management. rescheduled, and held in conjunction with IFIP SEC 2020 Maribor, Slovenia, or virtually
2020 Aug 17-21 IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management: rescheduled, and held in conjunction with IFIP SEC 2020 rescheduled
2020 Jul 27-31 Rights Con (register by July 20th) free, online
2020 Jul 25-31 European Summer School on Internet Governance (Euro-SSIG) Meissen, Germany
2020 Jun 22-26 Summer Academy for Global Privacy Law 2020: Confronting the New Challenges exclusively remotely
2020 Jun 10 Pan-European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) exclusively remotely
2020 May 7 Re:publica free, online
2020 Jan 22-24 Computers Privacy and Data Protection Brussels
2020 Jan 21 Privacy Camp including annual EDPS Civil Society Summit Brussels
2019 Nov 25-29 Internet Governance Forum Berlin
2019 Nov 25 Internet Commons Forum Berlin
2019 Nov 23 Linux Presentation Day Tuebingen and elsewhere
2019 Nov 14-16 Bundesweite Aktionstage für Netzpolitik & Demokratie (German Campaign Days for Internet Policy and Democracy) throughout Germany
2019 Nov 08-11 Freedom Not Fear  Brussels
2019 Sep 25-27 Fourth annual conference of the MyData Global network (call for presentations) Helsinki, Finland
2019 Sep 13 “Das ist Netzpolitik!”-Konferenz 2019 featuring Lessig (in English), Gerhart Baum, Jeanette Hofmann and Maja Goepel Berlin
2019 Aug 19-23 IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management 2019, Data for Better Living: AI and Privacy Brugg/Windisch, Switzerland
2019 Jul 14-20 European Summer School on Internet Governance (Euro-SSIG) based on video lecture by Kleinwaechter Meissen, Germany
2019 Jun 3-5 Internet and Jurisdiction Policy Network  as per Wikipedia Berlin
2019 May 30-Jun 02 Gulaschprogrammiernacht , history of event (in German), explanation of 2018 version in English Karlsruhe, Germany
2019 May 17-25 Privacy Week Stuttgart

Anklickbare linksforweb zum Vortrag von Th. Ruddy

2019 Apr 06 Cryptoparty Tuebingen, Germany
2019 Mar 07 RSA Session on Changing Academia featuring Deirdre Mulligan, Latanya Sweeney, and Danny Weitzner inter alia San Francisco
2019 Feb 11-14 Trust and Internet Identity Meeting Europe (TIIME) Vienna
2019 Jan 30 – Feb 01 Computers, Privacy, Data Protection Brussels
2019 Jan 29 Privacy Camp Brussels
2018 Nov 23-24 „Mensch bleiben im Maschinenraum“ (Staying Human in the Machine Room) featuring Michael Schmidt-Salomon Stuttgart
2018 Nov 16 A WTO fit for the 21st century What needs to change? featuring Azevedo and Malmström Paris
2018 Nov 15 CWI Lectures on privacy & security featuring Rotenberg and Camenisch inter alia Amsterdam
2018 Nov 12-14 Internet Governance Forum IGF18 (analysis published later “IGF18: Deliver Us From Multilateral Internet Governance” by Farzaneh Badii) Paris
2018 Nov 12 Govtech (featuring Trudeau) Paris
2018 Nov 10 Linux Presentation Day (in German) throughout Germany
2018 Oct 11-12 Interdisziplinäre Konferenz des Forum Privatheit: Zukunft der Datenökonomie – Gestaltungsperspektiven zwischen Geschäftsmodell, Kollektivgut und Verbraucherschutz (Future of the Data Economy, in German), featuring Lovink, Spiekermann and Zuboff Munich
2018 Sep 28 European Data Ethics Forum 2018 Copenhagen
2017 Sep 21-24 Freedom Not Fear Brussels
2018 Sep 21 “This is Netzpolitik” Conference   Berlin
2018 Aug 29-31 MyData Helsinki
2018 Jul 02-05 Motion for a Resolution on US/EU Privacy Shield expected to be voted on in the European Parliament’s July Plenary session per Linklater’s Strasbourg
2018 Jun 15-17 No-spy (in German) Stuttgart
2018 Jun 09  Tuebix (in German)  Tuebingen
2018 May 25 on or around that date, i.e. when the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect: GDPR Days various venues
2018 May 15-18 European Identity & Cloud Conference 2018, a commercial event including sessions on Identity Governance in the Light of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Self Sovereign Identity (SSI)  Munich
2018 May 04 Free and Safe in CyberSpace Berlin
2018 May 03 Persönliche digitale Archive – Wie organisiere ich mein digitales Vermächtnis? (German: Personal digital archives — How should I organize my digital heritage?) Stuttgart
2018 Apr 14 March for Science Stuttgart
2018 Mar 02-04 Blockstack including hackathon Berlin
2018 Feb 26-28  Internet and Jurisdiction Policy Network Ottawa
2018 Feb 19-23 Secure Application Development with inter alia Bart Preneel Leuven
2018 Feb 07-08 Trust and Internet Identity Meeting Europe Vienna
2018 Jan 24-26 Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP): the Internet of Bodies, presentations online Brussels
2018 Jan 23 Privacy Camp. “CPDP is an organising partner of the annual NGO event, Privacy Camp. This event provides civil society actors the space to engage with other individuals and institutions and not-for-profit organisations.” Programme, videos Brussels
2018 Jan 22-23 ECRYPT-CSA Workshop on Crypto Policies Brussels
2017 Dec 27-31 Chaos Computer Congress 34C3, Thomas Ruddy’s session is documented in PDFormat here. Leipzig, Germany
2017 Dec 18-21 12th Internet Governance Forum with preparatory work on platforms and data ownership by Joe McNamee/ Maryant Fernandez and Rolf Weber respectively Geneva
2017 Dec 07 Yearly Conference of the Privacy and Identity Lab with guest keynoter Ron Deibert Utrecht
2017 Nov 30- Dec 01 Digital Infrastructures for Research 2017 “Connecting the building blocks for Open Science” Brussels
2017 Nov 29 Datentag (in German) data portability with inter alia Max Schrems Berlin
2017 Nov 29 eID workshop  requiring comments by 10 November 2017. Doubts raised by EDRi. Results of earlier session on related topic.
2017 Nov 27-29 Consumer Identity World Europe 2017 Paris
2017 Nov 24-26 International GNU Health Conference Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
2017 Nov 10-11 The People’s Disruption: Platform Co-ops for Global Challenges featuring inter alia Ulrich Genick of New York
2017 Nov 10 A transatlantic workshop dedicated to Privacy Engineering Research hosted by the Internet Privacy Engineering Network (IPEN/EDPS), the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), and the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF). Attendance free, but subject to application approval. Applications were due by 24 September, 2017. Leuven
2017 Nov 06-09 IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress 2017 consisting of

  • Certification Training 6-7 November, Workshops 7 November,
  • conference 8-9 November
2017 Nov 06 The 2017 Brussels Privacy Symposium, this year entitled AI Ethics: The Privacy Challenge hosted by the Free Univ. of Brussels, the Brussels Privacy Hub and the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) Brussels
2017 Oct 25 Towards a European Ecosystem for Healthcare Data   featuring inter alia Ernst Hafen (ETH Zürich) of    Conference report in PDF now available. Brussels
2017 Oct 23-29 International Open Access Week, Theme of 2017, “Open in order to…” Everywhere
2017 Oct 14-22 Fellbacher Weltwochen 2017, week on global issues including FOSSoftware (in German) Stuttgart
2017 Oct 11 Public Sector Digital Transformation – From the Tallinn Declaration to a borderless government Brussels
2017 Oct 06-09 Freedom Not Fear with keynote by Aral Balkan and session on privacy in e-governance  Brussels
2017 Sep 29 European Data Ethics Forum 2017 Copenhagen
2017 Sep 25-27 Identity World in conjunction with World e-ID & Cybersecurity as part of Smart Security Week Marseille
2017 Sep 19 Privacy Conference Dare [to Take] the Leap! featuring Jan Philipp Albrecht  Berlin
2017 Aug 30-Sep 01 Mydata 2017 Tallinn, Finland
2017 Aug 04-08 Dutch outdoor hacker camp/conference SHA 2017 (for the 8th time, acronym meaning Secure_Hash_Algorithm) Zeewolde/ Amsterdam
2017 Jul 07-09 Discover the Bluedot Cheshire, UK
2017 Jul 07-08 G-20 official site, G-20 in Focus (portal set up by Green foundation) Hamburg
2017 Jul 03-06 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
2017 Jul 01-02 “Das Recht (in) der digitalen Welt: Zwischen Algorithmen, autonomen Systemen und Disruption” Berlin
2017 Jun 26-30 2nd European Data Protection Law Summer School: “The GDPR is Now” The BPH Summer School Brussels
2017 Jun 22-23 Abendveranstaltung Symposium “Von Profiling bis Fake News” und  Praxisworkshop “Fake News?” Berlin
2017 Jun 22-23 Data Power 2017 with inter alia Helen Nissenbaum and Frank Pasquale Ottawa
2017 Jun 22-23 Workshop on “Global Governance in the Internet Era”, Hertie School of Governance Berlin
2017May 29-30 Think 20 Summit Global Solutions featuring inter alia Lamy, Reding, Sachs, Steiner and Stern, in anticipation of the G-20 Summit in July Berlin (+ summit livestream)
2017May 19-21 European Investigative Journalism Conference & Dataharvest, #EIJC17, Mechelen, Belgium
2017May 19-21 no-spy barcamp (in German) Stuttgart
2017May 17-19 Conference TILTing Perspectives 2017: ‘Regulating a connected world’ Tilburg, the Netherlands
2017May 10-12 eHealth Week Malta
2017May 08-12 Silicon Valley Tour in Memoriam Henk Slettenhaar California
2017 Apr 28 Annual Conference:
Transparency in Health and Health Care: Legal and Ethical Possibilities and Limits
Cambridge MA
2017 Apr 24 GDPR Workshop Series: Health and Well-being Apps – Key Issues for Privacy and Data Protection, 12-14 h Brussels
2017 Apr 22 Science March, Earth Day, as in Stuttgart or Tuebingen  Worldwide
2017Mar 31 The Power Switch; How Power is Changing in a Networked World featuring Ezrachi, Deibert, Hildebrandt, Guerses, Ross Anderson, inter alia Cambridge, UK
2017Mar 30-31 The First European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance – Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-ARTS) “Global Internet Governance as a Diplomacy Issue” with Joe Cannataci, Jovan Kurbalija and Chris Marsden inter alia Paris
2017Mar 29-31 Rightscon, speakers’ list Brussels
2017Mar 25-26 LibrePlanet 2017: GNU/Linux Free Software Boston
2017Mar 22 Science preparatory meeting to G-20 in July Halle, Germany
2017Feb. 10 PORTAL Ethics and Health Policy Seminar: Returning Results to Research Participants Cambridge MA
2017 Jan 25-27 Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) 2017 “The Age of Intelligent Machines” Brussels
2017 Jan 24 Privacy Camp Brussels
2016Dec. 09 Paying Research Participants: Ethical and Regulatory Parameters Cambridge MA
2016Dec 05-08 European Summit on Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing, in particular DSM – The Free Flow of Health and Well-being Data held by DSM Directorates Brussels
2016Dec. 05 Towards a fair sharing economy: The role and place of cooperative platforms, programme in PDF (see also 2016 Nov. 15)  Brussels
2016Nov 30-Dec 01 European Workshop on Trust & Identity (EWTI) 2016 Vienna, Austria
2016Nov 30 Next Generation Internet workshop based on survey running until 2017 Jan 09 Brussels
2016 Nov 21-22 World of Health IT (WoHIT) Conference & Exhibition including first-ever Genomics Summit of HIMSS Europe

2016 Nov 17 Digital Trade, an issue tackled in a recent study by K. Irion, S. Yakovleva and M. Bartl, “Trade and Privacy: Complicated Bedfellows? How to achieve data protection-proof free trade agreements“ (PDF) presented at event on Oct. 12 Brussels
2016 Nov 16-17 Nationale IT-Gipfel 2016 „Lernen und Handeln in der digitalen Welt“ (National IT Summit 2016 “Learning and Doing in the Digital World”); Deutsche Welle the day after: “Merkel calls for loosening of ‘restrictive’ German data protection laws … a major shift” Saarbruecken, Germany
2016 Nov 15-17 European Commons Assembly (see also 2016Dec. 05) Brussels
2016 Nov 12-14 OpenCon 2016 platform for the next generation to learn about Open Access, Open Education and Open Data Washington DC with satellite events hosted around the world
2016 Oct 20 re:publica Dublin, Ireland
2016 Oct 14-17 Freedom not fear Brussels
2016 Oct 12 “Trade and Privacy: Complicated Bedfellows? How to achieve data protection-proof free trade agreements” with MEP Viviane Reding and Albrecht, PDF Brussels
2016 Oct 05-08 Internet Rules! 17th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, AoIR 2016, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
2016 Oct 03-08 Amsterdam e-Week (events in Dutch/English) Amsterdam
2016 Oct 01 October is CyberSecurity Month with events listing  Europe
2016 Sep 29 Personal Information Economy, featuring Sandy Pentland and Doc Searls London
2016 Sep 22-23 Free and Safe in Cyberspace, 2nd EU Edition 2016, with Bart Preneel, Christopher Soghoian Brussels
2016 Sep 21 Intercommunity virtually everywhere
2016 Sep 08 Merging of man and machine: questions of ethics in dealing with emerging technology Brussels (+videostream)
2016 Sep 07-09 Annual Privacy Forum 2016 (alternate site) bringing research and policy together, featuring Diego Naranjo, EDRi, ENISA, followed by IPEN workshop in 9th Frankfurt / Main
2016 Sep 06-08 ChipMe workshop on emerging ethical, legal and social responses to current developments in genomics within Europe and beyond, featuring Leuven, Belgium
2016 Sep 06 Tagung Stiftung Datenschutz und DIHK zur DSGVO from 12:45 til 16:45, Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Breite Str. 29 Berlin
2016 Sep 03-10 Summer School: Good Governance and its Application to Modern Technology Policies Ticino, Switzerland
2016 Sep 02-04 MetaRheinMainChaosDays (MRMCD), “an annual IT conference of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) with a slight focus on IT security” Darmstadt
2016 Sep 02-04 Free Software Foundation Europe Summit  Berlin
2016 Aug 31-Sep 02 MyData 2016 Advancing Human-centric Personal Data featuring MIDATA.COOP  Helsinki
2016 Aug 28-Sep 02 Health – Exploring Complexity: An Interdisciplinary Systems Approach including GMDS Tutorial on new Data Protection Regulation: EU Datenschutzgrundverordnung: Konsequenzen für das deutsche Gesundheitswesen, Aug. 31 session by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger on Big Data, Aug. 30 session on Health Record Banking and Aug. 29 session on Data curation, data security and data protection Munich
2016Aug 09-14 World Social Forum, with social networking  from everywhere Montreal
2016 Jul 21 Free and Safe in Cyberspace, 1st NorthAm Edition, with Joe Cannataci, Max Schrems – on invitation only New York
2016 Jul 19-22 PETS 2016 The 16th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium Darmstadt, Germany
2016 Jul 10-15 1st Interdisciplinary Summer School on Privacy (ISP 2016) featuring inter alia Helen Nissenbaum Nijmegen, NL
2016 Jul __ 25th anniversary of pretty good privacy (PGP) as being planned here California

For earlier events see this page.

For more privacy events see this page.

For more Brussels events see this page.

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